Thank you, thank you. I’ve been waiting so long to see something directly from you.

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Excellently written, what a tense time for that team to take a look at a a past conflict. Meta and poignant at the same time. Am sorry you could not get into the room for the debrief but you captured the complexity of feelings and “surrealness” in this piece.

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https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-troubles-podcast/id1500971966 A podcast by oisin feeney on the troubles

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Wow, their fear of judgement and consequences on a large war-involved scale is relate-able down to a smaller, safer, non-war-involved personal scale of my own... Bravely reveling one’s vulnerable feelings is scary - the consequences of rejection by family/friends and public does trigger protective, survivalistic tendencies. But it is in those revealings that greater change is created; inspired. How amazing that you got to witness the bits that you did. Messy, human stuff is scary, but also inspiring to see being undertaken. Healing to see be followed through to completion, too.

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Wow. This is a poignant illustration of how in a time of intense and fraught conflict, even positive or empathetic media coverage presents a serious risk to people whose stories are told. It also highlights the wisdom of this Palestinian and Israeli crew to take the lens off their own conflict and bring it to Belfast. And it's reasonable that they want to be the ones in control of the narrative, not a journalist like Gregory, even though Gregory was basically observing.

"I don't like the word hope." That hit. I wonder if "possibility" sounds better to her.

Great post, glad the blog is back!

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This is beautiful.

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it just makes me think. just about how hard it is to share feelings. about how difficult conflicts are, regardless of the location they happened in.

hopefully time will pass, and things will return to a balance of sorts. one day there can be a "hope" for now we just need...a word i don't have.

welcome back, and i hope to read more from you eventually!

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